Ahmed Zobair Removed as MD of Somoy TV

Ahmed Zobair Removed as MD of Somoy TV

Image credits: Kalbela

Ahmed Zobair has been relieved from his positions at Somoy Television following a board meeting on August 10. Somoy Media Limited's City House Gulshan held the meeting where it was decided that Ahmed Zobair would no longer serve as Managing Director and Chief Executive. Shampa Rahman was appointed as the new managing director, taking over all responsibilities of Somoy Media Limited.




প্রতিনিয়ত ভেরিফাইড নিউজ আপডেটের নোটিফিকেশন আপনার মোবাইলে পেতে আজই ইন্সটল করুন আমাদের মোবাইল অ্যাপ

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