Captain Ashik Sets an Example of Professionalism in the Face of Adversity

Captain Ashik Sets an Example of Professionalism in the Face of Adversity

In a recent incident that has captured widespread attention, Captain Ashik has been widely praised for his remarkable display of professionalism and composure during a challenging interaction with a civilian. The encounter, which was captured on video and shared across social media platforms, showcases the officer’s ability to remain calm and collected under pressure, earning him accolades from the public.The incident occurred when a young woman, visibly agitated, confronted Captain Ashik over an undisclosed issue. Despite her increasingly aggressive behavior, including the use of slurs and derogatory language, Captain Ashik maintained his poise, addressing her concerns with patience and restraint. His demeanor throughout the exchange has been described by many as the epitome of professionalism.




প্রতিনিয়ত ভেরিফাইড নিউজ আপডেটের নোটিফিকেশন আপনার মোবাইলে পেতে আজই ইন্সটল করুন আমাদের মোবাইল অ্যাপ

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